Airbus wants to make self-flying taxis by this time next year

One of the biggest headaches in major cities, which is traffic during rush hour, might be solved with this ambitious plan. Airbus has revealed their on-going project, which is building a self-flying taxi along with an entire traveling service that comes with it. The company claims that they could begin testing as early as 2017! […]

Google’s co-founder Larry Page is secretly building flying cars

Google is well known for their “shoot to the moon” projects that are currently being developed at Google X research centre. From robots to self-driving cars Google really seems to be constantly trying to push technology further. But are those the only projects Google is interested in? According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek they are not! Larry […]

Google’s Self Driving Car : What are its drawbacks?

Is it really autonomous indeed? Google’s self driving car revealed itself and here and a while is hitting the roads of Mountain View in California. Google is definitely doing a fantastic job and the project is always in progress. They keep trying to challenge and improve their software in order to optimize it to the […]

Volkswagen BUDD-e

Volkswagen’s taste of future. The newly introduced Volkswagen BUDD-e is the much anticipated electric-concept van of the firm and it is their absolute keynote car of this year’s (Consumer Electronics Show (CES)). After a disastrous year for Volkswagen’s image on environmental issues, the firm is coming with a very strong card. At a first glimpse, […]