Five of The Most Popular and Successful Kickstarter Technology Projects

Kickstarter is an amazing platform where you can get your project running with the help of creativity and of course crowdfunding. If the public likes your project, they fund it expecting a corresponding outcome. At the time of writing, Kickstarter has successfully funded 106,000 projects which pledged $2,386,928,385 in total. Many amazing ideas came to […]

5 Futuristic Gadgets You Probably Didn’t Know Existed – Part 2

Click here to read : 5 Futuristic Gadgets that already exist Part 1 1. Google Contact Lens Google contact lens is a piece of futuristic wearable tech. It focuses on tracking the health of the person wearing it. It can for example monitor the glucose levels of a diabetic patient by measuring his tears. Although this […]

Apple WWDC 2016

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The 5 Bad Characteristics of Samsung Galaxy A5 2016

A great piece of technology At first, let us have a look on what exactly the Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 is and how good this smart phone is. With a first glimpse, we can notice that is a strong candidate for every buyer as it combines strong technical specifications as well as a stylish modern […]

Google’s co-founder Larry Page is secretly building flying cars

Google is well known for their “shoot to the moon” projects that are currently being developed at Google X research centre. From robots to self-driving cars Google really seems to be constantly trying to push technology further. But are those the only projects Google is interested in? According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek they are not! Larry […]

New security threat for Android OS users

As mentioned in their report, Android users are facing a whole new threat after March of 2016, when Kaspersky Lab detected a modular Trojan. Trojan is a non-self-replicating malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user, but instead, facilitates unauthorized access to the user’s operating system. Backdoor.AndroidOS.Triada, as Kaspersky Lab called, […]

Smart homes in our life

The future is near Can you imagine that day? When you wake up and a new morning has begun, brushing your teeth in front of a mirror that notifies you for the weather or your schedule through the day? When you could unlock your door automatically as you approach your home? When you can instantly […]

How to make your home smarter

Simple, low-budget and useful ideas   We are getting closer to a smart home era that will change our life. Everyone wants to know about ways to make his or hers home smarter and have some extra comforts. Making a smart home isn’t only building a high budget house from scratch, but it’s also expanding […]

Five Amazing Technology Projects at Kickstarter you should definitely check out.

Kickstarter is great fund raising platform that has brought to life amazing projects. From literature, to movies and games, Kickstarter has projects for almost every aspect. Today we’ve put together a list of five technology themed projects that we believe are worth checking out and maybe funding them. 1. Knocki: Make Any Surface Smart This […]

5 Futuristic Gadgets You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

1. No more Woof If you have trouble understanding what your dog is trying to tell you, then No more woof , is a gadget for you. This small device is a headset that analyses your dog’s brain waves and translates them into words with actual meaning. Using this gadget you can finally understand how […]