Which Pokemon Go Team is The Most Popular – Survey Results

After conducting a week-long survey with multiple questions regarding Pokémon Go we were able to come out with concrete conclusions about the world’s first impressions of Pokémon Go. We analyzed the data collected from the survey and we will be publishing the results this week, answering one question a day. Our Pokémon GO week schedule […]

What Pokemon Go Team is The Most Popular ? (and more) – Survey

We have questions regarding Pokemon Go, like: “What Pokemon Go Team is the most popular? ” and we need your help to find out the answers.We are curious to see how people view Pokemon Go so far. That’s why we created this very small Survey (6 Questions) to sort things out. Thank You for your time!! Loading…

Pokemon GO – Funniest Pokemon Encounters so far

Pokemon Go has only been out for less than 48 hours and it’s already a hit. Trainers around the world haven’t wasted any time and already begun sharing photos of their Pokemon encounters in the real world, some of which are pure gold! Take a look at some of the funniest Pokemon encounters so far. […]

Five extremely helpful tools for organizing your work

Don’t we all need someone to remind us on what we have to do with all the necessary information? Why to spend valuable energy and thinking in remembering stuff? However, for every single one of us, organizing the things we have to do is maybe the most important. Some times we have so many things […]

5 Tech Giants That Lost Their Edge

What if I tell you that five years from now Google, Apple and Samsung will no longer be considered amongst the elite companies of the tech world? You would say that I talk nonsense and that I’m crazy, right? Because great companies like Google and Apple and so many other are destined to be at […]

Huawei is working on its own mobile OS in case things sour with Google

Huawei is the world’s third-largest smartphone manufacturer with most of their sales taking place in the market of China. Huawei’s efforts to reach the western market have proven fruitless so far mostly due to their overall design and EMUI skin, which has gotten a lot of heat because of its similarities to iPhone’s iOS. Huawei […]

Five of The Most Popular and Successful Kickstarter Technology Projects

Kickstarter is an amazing platform where you can get your project running with the help of creativity and of course crowdfunding. If the public likes your project, they fund it expecting a corresponding outcome. At the time of writing, Kickstarter has successfully funded 106,000 projects which pledged $2,386,928,385 in total. Many amazing ideas came to […]

5 Futuristic Gadgets You Probably Didn’t Know Existed – Part 2

Click here to read : 5 Futuristic Gadgets that already exist Part 1 1. Google Contact Lens Google contact lens is a piece of futuristic wearable tech. It focuses on tracking the health of the person wearing it. It can for example monitor the glucose levels of a diabetic patient by measuring his tears. Although this […]

8 Free Internet Tools You Should Know

8 Free Internet Tools that will make your life a lot easier The Internet is the most powerful tool we have ever invented as a human species. It has revolutionised the way we communicate, learn and work with each other. The advantages of using the internet are countless but today we are only going to […]