Five extremely helpful tools for organizing your work

Don’t we all need someone to remind us on what we have to do with all the necessary information? Why to spend valuable energy and thinking in remembering stuff? However, for every single one of us, organizing the things we have to do is maybe the most important. Some times we have so many things […]

Samsung’s browser now supports ad blocking

Just download it Are you a Samsung user? Now you have the opportunity to download AdBlocker Fast or Crystal on your device and stop the presence of advertisements in your browser. Those apps are available for iOS, Chrome and Opera and in order to activate them after the download you should choose them as add-ons […]

Have you heard of Peach? The new and trending Social Network App

It has made it to the top off Apple’s App charts I know what you’re thinking. Another Social Network? Do they ever get tired of creating “new” copycats of Facebook? Well don’t close this article just yet. Peach, as this new social networking app is called, might just turn out to be a little bit […]