Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Microsoft shows the way into the future

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is a brave attempt to create a single device that combines the performance of a notebook and the functionality of a tablet. We admit that Microsoft shows the way into the future, but, although they have made major improvements from the previous version, the Surface Pro 3 still suffers from a variety of problems. We found many problems but we shrank our list to the top five ones according to the users.

1. Type Cover Not Included

It is awkward to claim that you created a device to be used both as a laptop and a tablet but you have to pay extra to turn it into a laptop. I mean, really. The Type Cover doesn’t come with the base price of the Microsoft Surface Pro 3, forcing the users to pay extra to buy it. It kind of loses the whole point there Microsoft.

2. Overpriced

Microsoft offers a variety of initial prices choices. But do they really? In reality in order to have a decent device you have to choose at-least the average price choice that they offer. Add up to that the extra cost required for the Type Cover you end up paying as much as you would pay for a “real” laptop. So what is the point of buying the Surface Pro 3 then?

3. Fails Both As A Tablet And A Notebook.

Although we give credit to Microsoft for trying, the complaints coming from the users are too many to ignore. It fails as a notebook since you don’t really get the performance of an actual notebook. It is also very difficult to use it on your lap. So how is this a laptop? If you decide to use it entirely as a tablet the first thing you notice is that it is very heavy compared to other tablets and it has a mediocre battery life. Better luck next time Microsoft I guess.

4. Mediocre Keyboard – Terrible Touchpad

Although Microsoft made a good job with the keyboard, it still doesn’t feel “natural”. The keys are flimsy and feel “tough”. But with some improvements we believe that Microsoft will eventually get there. The touchpad on the other hand is still terrible. It is very hard to use and two handed operation is almost impossible.

5. Only One USB Port

Users demand more USB Ports!!! While researching the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 it became obvious that the majority of the users where disappointed with the decision of Microsoft to include only one USB port to the device. Note to Microsoft: “Include more USB Ports to the Microsoft Surface Pro 4”

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