Nintendo Wii U

The most suitable console you can have for kids and still have fun with it

The Nintendo Wii U will not satisfy a lot of gamers that have gaming as part of their life and they constantly play new games, trying always to beat them all and achieve every possible high score. However it promises a lot of simple fun playing with each other some of the classic games, especially for kids. The kids we all now and the kids we all adults hide inside us. That is a big plus for Nintendo. And in combination with tons of multiplayer cooperative party games and the capability to use old Wii accessories and games, makes it really nice and fun to have one even though it cannot reach at any chance the performance of PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Beside that fact here is what we got for a try we appreciate from Nintendo.

1. Lacks a lot of third party games

The new Nintendo Wii U it doesn’t support DVD or Blue-Ray discs. As a result a lot of famous and known games (Call of Duty, Watch Dogs etc. etc.) from very successful gaming companies (as Ubisoft etc.) are not available. This directly removes the classic type of ‘gamer’ from the audience that would buy it. And for a gaming console…this is not good. Especially when the manufacturer is specified exclusively on gaming. A lot of people love the classic games that are available in Nintendo, but without third party games the Wii will never be a big success and will never be able to compete the big libraries of games that PlayStation and Xbox have.

2. GamePad battery life too short

In terms of gaming experience the Wii feels nice and high tech especially because it comes with a tablet-style GamePad(is a tablet with some extra buttons for gaming) which makes it available to play even if the TV is in use. It is a very pity though that the battery life of the GamePad is too short. Very innovative from Nintendo the way it is done but they didn’t make it well. Is a portable gadget for gaming and it feels nice to play….but it doesn’t last for long.

3. It doesn’t share games with the 3DS handheld

As we mentioned, Nintendo is specified in gaming devices so it produces some other types too. One of them is 3DS handheld. As we noticed from people that have Nintendo devices, they all desire a connection between them. It would be ideal if someone could share games between them. It would make a different gaming experience, especially for those who play with portable devices.

4. The on-board storage is not enough

So we have a console that does not support DVDs and Blue-Rays so it needs stored and installed on-board every game you want to play, and every profile, and well if you have a lot of kids accessing it, everything each one of them makes on the console. In long term use, the 32GB (or 8GB) of memory is not enough. And come on, a modern aged console it should be able to make other things too as streaming media. The memory capacity is definitely not enough.

5. It is simply expensive considering what you get!

The Nintendo Wii U costs from around $300 to $360 dependent on which version you buy. Well, it is nice and fun. And of course is very suitable if you get it for kids use. But, what else is it able to do? What is the range of ages and people that supports? The interface is improved but it isn’t yet that easy and good to use extensively. Nowadays consoles are not exclusively for gaming. Must support other media streaming and in general a big range of entertainment, not only gaming. Is Nintendo supporting that? The processing power and performance is definitely not even close to its rivals. Is this performance enough for today’s usage? Those are just question marks Nintendo needs to answer if they want to go for a really good and entertaining console.

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