…nothing to fear from its rivals Samsung Galaxy s6 and IPhone 6

LG G4 is the new smartphone of LG that has nothing to fear from its rivals Samsung Galaxy s6 and IPhone 6. Many describe it as a complete package of a smartphone. Here at BadFive we agree with that description since it was very difficult to find five things that are bad about this smartphone. But as you know, the BadFive team never fails to discover the negatives in a device. For this smartphone the BadFive are the following:

1. Poor Design – Cheap Build

This is literary the number one complain of almost every single user of the LG G4. Everyone agrees that LG did a poor job designing and building this phone. Unlike its competitors LG decided to stick to the plastic materials which leads to a lack of the quality feel that metal offers. You can always change to the leather option of this smartphone which we believe it is a must. But what about users that simply don’t like leather? What about them LG?

2. Battery Life is Average

This doesn’t come as a surprise. We understand that complaints about battery life are the most common complaints users have for almost every smartphone out there. But since LG G4 is the front-liner of LG it should have at least as descent battery life as its competitors. Unfortunately this is not the case, since the Samsung Galaxy s6 and the IPhone 6 have a much better battery life.

3. Bad Speaker Quality

It is a shame really for such a great smartphone to have bad quality speakers. LG G4 put great effort in creating an amazing smartphone like this one, but they forgot about the speakers. Ah…those speakers. That’s something to improve at the next version of this smartphone I guess.

4. No Wireless Charging

This might not be an issue for many but it still remains a big complaint for a decent amount of users. Wireless Charging is quite new and “trending” in the world of smartphones, so we don’t really get why LG has decided not to include this feature to their smartphone.

5. LG UX

LG’s UX is characterized by many as bloated and ugly. People really like the stock version of Android so any major and buggy changes to the UI usually causes negative reactions. It is a controversial issue really.

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