Sony Xperia E4

Sony Xperia E4 is an average budget device on every aspect and lacks against phones like Motorola Moto G (gen 2), Xiaomi Redmi 2. Yes, I agree that it is a cheap device and it’s not necessary to judge it so hard but… we are showing no mercy. Some specifications should be at least close to average (from utility’s perspective).

1. Poor rear camera
Okay, it’s a cheap phone, but you should at least include a good camera. The E4’s 5MP rear sluggish camera has a delay on focus, it destroys the bright colors and it generally makes the photo fuzzy. Also, E4’s front 2MP front camera has the same issues.

2. Touch issues
It’s commonly accepted that there are some touch issues on Sony Xperia E4. Sometimes the user needs to touch for a second time in order to do whatever he needs to do, which is something really irritating.

3. Lollipop update absence
Despite the fact that Lollipop update is useless for a budget phone such as Xperia E4 , every user wants his device to always be the most updated one and to enjoy the look and feel as well as other features of the current operating system. Don’t forget that the E4 runs on 1GB of RAM.

4. Battery draining
Users notice battery draining after a couple of weeks of usage. As they mention, that happens without any serious operations . Furthermore, users notice that battery charging lasts for too long. Yeah, I understand… long charging is so annoying. And something else, you can only connect a Sony USB cable on it.

5. Wifi connectivity issues
Some Wifi connectivity issues are a fact. There are plenty of (bad) opinions in forums about the Sony Xperia E4’s Wifi. Sometimes, while you are connected and watching a video or something, the Wifi turns off unexpectedly and you need to turn it on again in order to browse the web.

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