World’s best-looking phone of 2013

Here’s a famous phone that was voted as the best-looking phone of 2013. With brilliant design, strong materials and maybe one of the most awesome cameras that blew our minds. But let’s get back and take a closer look to see what users experienced.

1. Camera lens scratched!

Camera lens material seems to be sensitive. According to reports from several forums, many users have scratched their phone in different ways either there are scratched from a few lines or even the pictures are so blurry from that damage. When we are talking about scratches on camera lens we are actually refering to the outside protector glass of the four megapixel camera but not the depth sensor. It’s good to note that HTC ONE M8 camera is one of the most famous “brilliant cameras” on smartphones and mobile devices in general.

2. Wi-Fi doesn’t work properly

As internet became the first priority of many people nowadays, it seems like HTC forgot that. Forums are full of disappointments from users who bought this product who are having serious issues with their Wi-Fi connectivity! Their device could not connect to Wi-Fi properly, drops connection, or connects too slowly. Seriously?!

3. The call volume is too low

Some users have found the volume to be too low during calls, even if the volume has been turned up to the maximum. This may be caused by dust particles or crumbs that are blocking the speaker. Is this also a bad-design issue?

4. Stuck/dead pixels

Screen is not as great as it looks. When you are buying a phone with some specs, usually the screen is one of your primary ones. There are users that found that there are some dead pixels on their screen! The most common solution was to return their handset to their retailer or HTC for a replacement.

5. Phone randomly crashes

Smartphones must be useful, not useless. This is another problem that some users experienced in a hard way. Besides this device runs slowly a little bit sometimes, it also crashes randomly during use. Sometimes, the phone will simply reboot without any reason or prompting. So don’t use smartphones for really serious businesses?!

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