News Uncategorized

New security threat for Android OS users

As mentioned in their report, Android users are facing a whole new threat after March of 2016, when Kaspersky Lab detected a modular Trojan. Trojan is a non-self-replicating malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user, but instead, facilitates unauthorized access to the user’s operating system. Backdoor.AndroidOS.Triada, as Kaspersky Lab called, […]

Magazine Uncategorized

Smart homes in our life

The future is near Can you imagine that day? When you wake up and a new morning has begun, brushing your teeth in front of a mirror that notifies you for the weather or your schedule through the day? When you could unlock your door automatically as you approach your home? When you can instantly […]

5 Things.. Magazine News Uncategorized

Five Amazing Technology Projects at Kickstarter you should definitely check out.

Kickstarter is great fund raising platform that has brought to life amazing projects. From literature, to movies and games, Kickstarter has projects for almost every aspect. Today we’ve put together a list of five technology themed projects that we believe are worth checking out and maybe funding them. 1. Knocki: Make Any Surface Smart This […]