It is considered by many as the best smartphone of the year

LG G3 is a beautiful phone overall. It is considered by many as the best smartphone of the year. It has everything smartphone users love and need…or does it? Read our BadFive review to be prepared of what you might face when you buy this phone.

1. Overheating

First in our list is a major complaint that almost every user, that has bought this smartphone, has. LG G3 seems to be overheating too easily. Users have complained that when using the phone for some time or when playing games it gets too hot too soon. It forces you to reduce the brightness of the phone in order to cool down and even some times it “threatens” you to shut down if you don’t stop the activity that heats the phone. Really LG? Is this how you deal with such a serious problem? Disappointing!!!

2. Brightness Is Too Low

Are you an outdoor person? Do you like using your phone outside your house? Well if you have bought this Smartphone forget all about that and just stay at home. LG G3 struggles with its brightness and it has been reported that it is extremely difficult to use the phone outside when it is sunny. Compared to its competitors the LG G3 lacks in this field…a lot!!!

3. Battery Struggles

With such an amazing display it was really expected that users would have some issues with the battery life. It is very logical and to an extent it is excused, but it is still a major complaint of the LG G3 users so it made it to our BadFive list.

4. Sensitive To Scratches

It has been reported that right from the beginning the phone scratches too easily. It is really sad to buy a new phone and worry all the time if you are going to scratch it. If I buy a new smartphone I want it to be slick and beautiful at least for some time, not full of scratches!!!

5. Camera Performs Poorly In Lowlight

Compared to its competitors LG G3 camera has much trouble at night. Although LG G3 has an amazing camera during the day it struggles to achieve a good performance at lowlight conditions. Like a ghost that comes out only at night, LG G3’s camera lowlight performance comes again to haunts them.

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