Lenovo G510

…a descent laptop for its price but with poor build quality

Lenovo G510 is exactly what it looks like. It is a descent laptop for its price but with poor build quality and a variety of problems. The majority of the Users Complaints circle around the design and the build character of this laptop. The top five complaints that came from users experiences are the following:

1. Cheap Build Quality

After seeing and feeling the laptop I was amazed of how cheap it feels. Although it has some descent characteristics, its design and material quality really brings it down. The plastic chassis of the laptop stains easily and has an overall cheap feel. An add on to the bad build quality is the flimsy DVD cover-door. If you buy this laptop you should handle the DVD door with care because it just feels that it might break easily.

2. Touchpad

It has been reported that the quality of the touchpad is simply awful. Another component of the laptop that feels really cheap. In many cases it appears that you can’t use the touchpad and press the keyboard at the same time, which might be very bad if you are a gamer. In addition to the above, the keys below the touchpad feel like they are made for a child’s toy. Dear Lenovo, the next time you build a great laptop like this one, do NOT forget to pay attention to the build quality as well.

3. Bad Display

They call it an “HD” screen, but face it, 1366×768 isn’t exactly high definition on a 15.6 inch laptop. Almost everyone complains or simply notes that the display of this laptop isn’t as great as it should be. For most users this might not be a huge problem but for some it might be a deal breaker.

4. Bloatware

Bloatware is really common with today’s smartphones and tablets, but it is very odd to find such a problem in a modern laptop as well. In my surprise many users complain about useless software that comes preinstalled on this laptop. That’s why Lenovo’s G510 Bloatware made it to our BadFive list without a second thought.

5. Not For Gaming

I wouldn’t expect this from a system with an integrated graphics card but as it seems it’s a fact. If you are a gamer and you bought this laptop, you’re gonna have a bad time. Although it is good for moderate gaming, it is not as good for real-extreme gaming. So GAMERS double search to find out if this Laptop suits your gaming needs.

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